Monday, March 1, 2010

Big Girls

My girls are growing up so fast. I can't beleive they are already 7 months old. Berklee now weighs 16 lbs. and Bailee weighs 12.5. They have always been 2 lbs. different in weight, but this last month Berklee has really just taken off. Berklee learned to roll over, and now can roll pretty much anywhere and is working on the crawling thing. She has also gotten her first 2 bottom teeth. Bailee has always been just a little bit behind Berklee, but just today learned how to roll over. I am so proud of them both.
My girls trying to learn how to sit up. Bailee loves to be held. When I put her in her boppy pillow or her bumbo this is how I usually find her. She tries her hardest to escape whatever it is I put her in. What a stinker! aww at last a sleeping baby!


Jodi said...

Watch out. If they are both rolling now, you're really going to have to keep an eye them. They will be crawling before you know it.

Sotutus said...


Brooks and Andrea said...

They have really grown. What cuties!! It is so fun when they start showing their personalities.

Ty and Janene said...

Oh I miss them I love it when they start to arch like that I want to squeeeze them both